Taking Down Trees

IMG_6222Lately they’ve been taking down trees along the Yantis Loop and Route 62.  It’s a sad occasion for the walkers, cyclists, and joggers who use the path.

For the most part, the now-missing trees weren’t the kind of beautiful, spreading trees about which Joyce Kilmer might wax rhapsodic.  Instead, many were what Kish would call “field trees” — the kind of scrawny trees that farmers might use to visibly mark the boundaries between one field and another.  Still, they provided some shade, protection from the elements, screening from the roadway and the noise of passing cars, and the sense that you were walking through a rustling tunnel of green leafiness.

Now they are gone, and there are just sorry, straw-covered spots on the ground where the trees once stood.  As I said, it’s a sad occasion.