
The Webner House blog is a collaborative effort of members of the Webner family, who hail from Columbus, Ohio.

Richard and Russell are the sons of Webnerbob and Kwebner.  Pennyweb is a red fox labrador retriever who lives with the Webner pack, and Kasey is a beagle mix who is the latest addition to the family.

Webby 2440 is Webnerbob’s brother.  unclemack, who now lives in Georgia, is Webby 2440’s and webnerbob’s uncle.

48 thoughts on “About

  1. Not sure if I got to the right web site. I’m looking for
    Jimmi who comes into spuds.I’m very tech challanged and want to find out if I got this right.
    Please respone if got this ritht


  2. Hi,

    I’m at work today, all cuaght up in work for now, so decided to Goggle “Webner” and came across your blog.

    I also grew up in Ohio, in Cumberland county, off Harlem road, just on the other side of Hoover Dam. my adoppted father, F.E. Webner, brought my sister and I over from Lilberia, West Africa.

    I was considered the oldest of all the kids in the house, left after graduating High School to join the Army, see the world, and become something.

    I have often wondered what has happened to my family, I never stayed in touch. My decision.

    Anyhow, I found your site to be interesting and entertaining. Keep it up.

    T. Webner
    North Carolina


  3. Hello from Michigan. Very cool blog! I think I’m going to ‘borrow’ your idea of using your Google Earth shot as your banner. good stuff! Have a great weekend! (We’ll try to make sure UofM stays undefeated so OS can crush them….) 🙂


    • I have to give credit where credit is due. Richard came up with the Google maps banner and also the general appearance of our blog. I am just a content provider.

      Thanks for the kind words, and good luck with U of M — at least, until November 27.


  4. Great BLOG Bob. Although I am still not sure what a “blog” is. Hey maybe a topic for you. Very intertaining and insightful. Makes for great lunch time reading. THANKS! keep them coming.

    ps. say hey to your clan for me and I’ll look forward to our next get together.


  5. Hi,
    I’d like to invite you to participate in my research: “What Do Bloggers Want to Preserve? Defining the ‘Essence’ of User-Generated Content for Preservation.” This study will gain an understanding of how bloggers value their blogs and what elements bloggers think are important for preservation.

    You are being asked to participate because your blog posts are tagged as being related to the theme of travel in one of the blog-hosting services and because your blog is not hosted by any commercial agency. Your participation is completely voluntary.

    The survey is NOW OPEN and will remain open until midnight (EDT) 20 April 2011. If you are interested and would like to part in take the survey, please visit this URL: http://bloggersurvey.web.unc.edu/

    Thank you in advance for considering participation in my study!
    Ayoung Yoon
    Doctoral Student
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    School of Information and Library Science


  6. Hello,
    I came across your website and found your articles on travel interesting. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great!


  7. Just read your blog about the Blizzard of 1978. I was also a student at OSU, living in Taylor Tower at the time. I remember it as a fun weekend, although the dining halls were pretty low on food! I was just reading some news articles about that weekend, and was reminded how many people and animals died as a result of the storm. I had forgotten that it was really a natural disaster. When we were young we pretty much just enjoyed life however and whenever we could!


  8. Seems like it’s been years!! Glad to see everyone is well!! I can’t believe the boys are do grown up!! They’ve turned into lovely young men!! Hope you have had a great holiday weekend!!


  9. Hi –

    Although your blog focuses on your family from the perspective of the Webner blood-line, I thought you might be interested in another part of your genealogical heritage, if you’re not already familiar with it. I recently learned that I am a third cousin of your mother, Agnes Catherine Neal, by virtue of the fact that we are both great-great-grandchildren of Alexander and Christian McGregor (Christian’s maiden name was McGregor, too), Scottish settlers from Fearnan, Perthshire, who arrived in Cote-du-Midi, Argenteuil County, Quebec, in 1817. My great-grandfather was Alexander and Christian’s second son, John, while your mother’s great-grandmother was John’s older sister Catherine. Catherine married Andrew Wilson, a widower, and publisher of the first daily newspaper in Ottawa, Ontario. Andrew and Catherine’s daughter, Agnes, married David George Brown, a native of New Jersey. After a stab at farming in Ulster County, New York, the Browns ended up in Akron, where their daughter Maude married Gilbert Neal.

    Alexander and Christian McGregor had eight children, at least six of whom have living descendants scattered across the United States and Canada,

    Let me know if you’d like to find out more about your many cousins of McGregor descent (although only five of us still bear the McGregor name).


    • I would definitiely be interested in learning more. My grandmother had a picture of the newspaper publisher, wearing some rather loud checked pants, in her family room, so what you have written sounds quite familiar. I’ll also mention this to my mother.


  10. Hi there – I’m writing from BBC radio in the UK and I was amused by your post from a year or so back in defense of spitting. We are doing a discussion about this on our national radio show today because a council in the UK wants to ban all public spitting, and I wondered whether you’d be interested in taking part? If you are, could you please email me? I don’t know if you get to see my email address – if not, let me know and I will pass on a public email address. Thanks, Tim


  11. You must be related to my husband’s family originally from Orrville I’m sure! My father in law’s name is Terry and his brother’s name is Neil. Their parents were Bob and Ann and I believe Bob’s dad was Rush…


  12. my name is Sean Webner from Tucson Az. my great aunt Esther lives in ohio. I wonder if we have any connection, would be interesting to find out


    • Colleen, I’d be happy to put you in touch with members of the Quinnebog Fishing Club to see if they would be interested in a story in Lake Erie Living. If you would like me to pursue that, just let me know how to get in touch with you.


  13. I came across this blog when “listening” to the lyrics of Mr.Jingeling’s show song an the Lawson commercial song.
    lyrics. Now both a spinning around my brain into my ears! Love old memories! I’ve enjoyed wandering around the blog this evening. I’ll visit again soon, so much to take in and read!


  14. hey,

    I saw your posts and I gotta say you are doing some great work and that leads me to my straight point that I have a website too and I’d like to work with you.

    It would be beneficial for both of us of course need not to mention that.

    I’ll be waiting for your reply if you’re interested then contact me ASAP.



  15. hi, i know russell from vassar and i am going to be in detroit friday 12.10.2015 to tuesday 12.14. 2015.
    it would be great to see russel but i don’t have his email . could you forward my email to him, please,
    thank you, judy linn


  16. I’m an author working on a book about traveling with service dogs and like your March 17 photo of the Philly airport service dog relief area. May I use it in the book? Full credit to the photographer, of course.


  17. I would like to use one of your photos – The Birmingham MI Theatre from 2013. Please contact me ASAP. THANK YOU!!!!


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