A Downtown Day

Columbus has been working to establish a full array of events for downtown residents and visitors. Yesterday we checked out two of them.

The first was the Saturday Marketplace at the Columbus Commons, shown above. There were dozens of vendor tents set up, there were multiple food trucks in attendance–including one selling adult beverages–and Latin music was pumping out from the main stage. People were playing cornhole and the carousel was packed with kids. It was a glorious sunny day and not too hot, and there was a good crowd of people having a good time. Of course, when you can combine ice cream, shopping, and adult beverages, what’s not to enjoy?

The second event was the Downtown Pride happening on Gay Street and in Pearl Alley, shown below, to celebrate the Columbus LGBTQ+ community. This event also featured food trucks, vendor tents, live music, and ice cream–because what’s a summer party without ice cream? When we walked around at about 9:30, there was a good crowd and some pulse music was drawing a lot of the crowd to area around the main stage for some impromptu dancing. I think this is the first year for this Downtown Pride event, and I’m guessing it will become an annual mainstay.

Downtown events are important for the downtown community, and Columbus has focused on developing them. The Commons has a full array of offerings–you can see a calendar here–and we’ve got parades and other events coming up, too. It will be a busy summer in downtown Cbus, and that’s a good thing.