Old Garages

Yesterday I parked in an old public parking garage. I’d guess it was a vintage ‘60s effort.

When you park in an old public parking garage, you quickly realize that the garage designers of those days gone by had a lot of faith in the ability of drivers to navigate tight spaces—as well as in their patience. Consider the exit configuration shown above, for example. You need to roll down a tight and narrow 180-degree curve, with incoming traffic headed in the opposite direction. The patience comes in because you can’t go more than 10 mph as you inch your way along. When was the last time a modern driver did anything at 10 mph?

It’s entertaining to watch today’s grossly oversized pickups and SUVs tackle this exit. It’s like the drivers are taking their initial driving test all over again, except cones have been replaced by guardrails and curbs, and failure means a scrape on your vehicle rather than a delay in getting your license.