80 Can Be Weighty

On the health front, it can be hard to know what to do sometimes. Confusing and often contradictory studies that can influence lifestyle choices seem to abound.

For example, I’ve always understood that, as you get older, a big part of maintaining good health is working to keep your weight down, because excessive weight is associated with many problematic health conditions that can affect mortality–not to mention causing trouble for aging joints. Now I’ve seen a study that suggests that for people over 80–a group the study, incidentally, refers to as the “oldest-old,” which seems a bit harsh–maintaining more weight and a higher body mass index number is associated with decreased mortality risk.

So, what’s a person who’d like to make it to that “oldest-old” category to do?

Apparently successful, long-term aging is an exercise in threading the needle. In your 60s and 70s, stay focused on the scale and the beltline, and keep that weight off. But, at the same time, don’t get too weak and scrawny, either, because if you make it to 80 you might need to bulk up a bit more. But if you do make it to 80, let the party begin!

It also means you should keep both the “fat clothes” and the “skinny clothes” in your closet, because you’re probably going to need them all at some time or another.