Taking A Stand Against “Manorexia”

In England, there is concern about “manorexia” — that is, males dealing with anorexia and bulimia and other eating disorders.  Apparently statistics show a 66 percent increase in the number of hospital admissions for males with eating disorders in the last decade, and it is now thought that one in five people experiencing eating disorders may be male.  The experts believe that males are feeling increased pressure to look like male models and work out for hours every day to acquire “six-pack” abdomens.

In America — where I don’t know anyone who pays any attention to male models, much less wants to look like one — we don’t seem to have this concern.  In fact, from the examples of manatomy I’ve seen walking around lately, I’d say we are dealing with the mantethesis of the problem.  Sure, you see sweaty, shirtless guys running at lunch hour trying to showing off their ripped physiques, but for every one of those there are ten or twenty seriously overweight dudes huffing and puffing as they walk by.  We could use more attention to diet and exercise, not less.

Nevertheless, if “manorexia” is a problem, I will do my part to fight this scourge.  I will stoutly resist any impulse to look like a pale and underfed pencil-necked geek.  I will work to maintain a beefy, florid-faced appearance.  I pledge to forgo that leafy plate of greens in favor of a loaded meat and cheese pizza from Joe’s Place.  I will sacrifice a gut-crunching two-hour daily workout in favor of more time in front of the home computer screen and TV set.  I promise to drink beer and eat Frosted Flakes and cheeseburgers and fries in order to do my part.

Is anyone with me?